Give Your Child
a Promising Future

About Us

Grow with CREST
Learning Methods

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Crest Educational Institution started in the year 2017 in Calicut, Kerala. Crest was the realisation of a dream of a group of educational enthusiasts who envisioned an extra ordinary coaching for all the genre of students in Calicut.

Started with a mere 20 students and 8 staff, it has given wings to the dreams and aspirations of many students by the help of our teachers and parents.


Learning To do

This type of learning concerns all the processes and practices that lead to merging knowledge with action for building a sustainable future.

Learning To know

This type of learning concerns all the processes and practices that lead people to experience, construct and transform knowledge for making sustainability a mode of life and being.

Learning To be

This type of learning concerns all the processes and practices that lead to human self-actualisation, self-regulation and cultivating a sense of being versus.

Learning To live together

This type of learning concerns all the processes and practices that lead to a peaceful and non-discriminatory society and human co-existence with the natural world.

Learning To transform

This type of learning concerns all the processes and practices to transform their unsustainable values and behaviours and collectively engaged to change society towards sustainability.